I prefer to prepare and sell cars, the way I would want to buy them. So I work from a very modest 1893 Mill in Yorkshire to keep my business overheads as low as possible. This allows me to concentrate on the buying and selling; and I am not under any pressure to sell just anything, in order to cover these operating costs.
I then outsource the service work and vehicle preparation to marque specialists who I know and trust. These service partners have their own reputations to maintain, so it is in their business interests, that my cars are prepared to the very best of their abilities. Normally if you buy a car and something goes wrong, you take it back to where you bought it; and dealers know this, so if they are preparing the vehicle themselves and there is something marginal that might need doing, they can adopt a wait and see what happens attitude. So I think the idea of buying from a dealer, paying themselves to prepare and service a vehicle, is open to corner cutting and thus flawed.
I prefer to buy and own my stock, so I obviously thoroughly check what I am buying. I then use a marque specialist to re-check my work and then prepare my stock for retail; and I then use a third party to MOT my cars. You are welcome to speak to any of these service partners if you want a second or third opinion. And if you want a fourth opinion, you can even send along your own vehicle inspector if you so wish.