TVR Dashboards and TVR Veneer Service - I hold a stock of new RHD Walnut Burr or stainless steel dashboard sets, for the TVR Chimaera and Griffith fitted with Caerbont dials. (That is cars from circa 1994 onwards, and fitted with the silver edged dials that look like the ones in the picture above - although the actual dial face maybe a different colour).
When the TVR Factory closed in 2006, I bought all the Factory Spares Department stock of Walnut Burr veneer dashboards and when these sold, started re-manufacturing using the original TVR suppliers, but using more modern 2020 specification adhesives and lacquer. I now supply the majority of the TVR dealers and offer new:-
Chimaera or Griffith Walnut Burr veneer dashboard set at £264.00.
Chimaera machine turned stainless steel set at £114.00.
Chimaera chequered stainless steel set at £114.00.
Chimaera basket weave stainless steel set at £114.00.
(Please send a £1.70 SAE if you want metal samples.) |
Alternatively I also offer a bespoke full refurbishment and re-veneer service to like new condition. I recommend Walnut Burr because that was TVR Factory standard, but I can supply in more exotic woods like Madrona, Elm, Redwood, Birds-Eye Maple, Mercedes black wood, Aston Martin piano wood etc, so please get in touch if you fancy something different. Fully refurbished and re-veneered prices:-
Chimaera/Griffith/S-series/early Wedge dash & second panel at £282.00.
Later Wedge three peice dash, heater & glovebox panel at £366.00.
S-series/Wedge door trims at £168.00.
(Normally ten days turn around time, but allow upto twenty-eight days.)
Prices include VAT.
But Postage and Packing and Insurance is £24.00 in UK; £42 to Europe. |